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A hectic 2016

Just wanna walk away
Far,far away...

My life is like a turning pages
Written by others
Who have high expectation
For the next pages

I might gone crazy in second
No more excitement
No more happiness
No more my own dreams
Only their dreams

I wanna stop
Doing thing for people
I wanna do something
For myself..
I wanna walk away
And never return


My darling

Rasa rindu,berdebar-debar,nervous
Rasa sakit hati,marah,menyampah
Tiba-tiba rasa nak nanges,
Tiba-tiba kecut perut macam nak amik exam
Tapi semua rasa tu kena tahan,kena simpan,kena sorok..

Firstly excited..
High expectation..
Then built courage..
Even smile at myself,
Like a fool..
So happy about you.. usual,
That moment come again.

I felt so sad,
So down..
All the courage flew away..
No more smile on my face,
Like a fool I'm crying.. usual,
I decided to put you aside...forever......again..

I do know,
U always like that.
Somehow, I do think,
I am the one who should be blamed.
I easily get excited just because,
You talked to me.
I got happy just because,
You called me.
I even think it's such a bless just because,
You remembered me.

Need to get rid of this feeling.
It's killing me badly,
It's hurt!
If and only if I had a delete button for the memories,
I will definitely delete everything bout you my darling..
