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Is it the boys just know how to appreciate
Or actually the girls who can easily feel the appreciation?

So,is that means,
Hard for the girls to appreciate
And hard for the boys to feel the appreciation?

Ok,lets translate..

Adakah lelaki memang tahu bagaimana nak menghargai
Atau sebenarnya perempuan yang senang rasa dihargai?

Jadi, adakah bermaksud,
Perempuan susah untuk menghargai
Dan lelaki susah untuk rasa dihargai?

Boleh nampak tak kaitan kat situ?
Ke tak ade?




Lets pretend
That someone didn't realize
Anything I mention about
Lets pretend
That someone not there when
I tweeted about it
Lets pretend
That someone didn't get
The message behind each
Chipsmore that I've mention
How could I???
It's so embarassing.........



14th January 2013

In a week, the snow keep falling..
And it's predicted to keep on snowing until next week n who knows maybe for few more weeks..

                                                         The temperature..predicted to reach -10 degree..
Don't know how cold it will be..last time, the lowest temperature is..ermmm..-3 degree..maybe..
Not so sure anymore because last winter, no snow at all..the only snow was on February (early spring..)

21st January 2013

23rd January 2013


Aku dan Diriku

Berjalan di tanah gersang
melihat kiri dan kanan
kosong dan kosong
Berjalan di dalam hutan
melihat kiri dan kanan
Semak dan samun
Berjalan terus berjalan
Perjalanan terhenti
di persimpangan
Antara dua jalan
Ke tanah gersang
Atau ke hutan?
Aku dan diriku
Terpaku, terpana
Berhenti lama
Berfikir dan meneroka
Tapi jasad masih
tidak berganjak
Masih di situ
Menanti buah fikiran
Gugur dari pohon langit
Aku tanyakan pada diriku
Diriku juga tanya pada aku
Kening diangkat tanda tidak tahu
Ke mana aku dan diriku lalui?


Tercuit Hati

memang cepat melatah
Tercuit bahu kanan
Bahu kiri terasa sama
Melatah sepanjang hari
Hingga ada yang termimpi
Esok mentari tiba memancar
Mata terpejam menahan sinar
Silau pandangan
Digosok perlahan
Eh, aku masih di takuk sama
Bukankah semalam aku kembara menjelajah?
Melangkah kaki di bumi sendiri
Terasa asing
Dek fantasi semalam
Benarkah kau berfikir sebelum bermimpi
Benarkah kau ferfikir sebelum berfantasi
Benarkah kau berfikir sebelum melatah
Benarkah arah fikiranmu tidak songsang?
Tiada manusia yang benar dan salah
Melainkan Hakim Agung penentunya
Jangan digosok mata terlalu kuat
Takut buta haru jadinya



Seputih salju itu 
Menutupi bumi 
Kelembutan palsu
Tapi tetap ditunggu
Seorang puteri salju
Menanti dalam syahdu
Bersama hati yang beku
Seorang hamba salju
Mengharap pada yang satu
Bersama hati yang sayu
Akankah salju terus bersama
Atau pergi sebaik mentari tiba?
Salju telah lama hadir
Semalam dan kelmarin
Cuma hati hanya yakin
Apabila warna putihnya terlihat
Memenuhi ruang pandangan
Sang puteri terus menanti
Sang hamba terus berharap
Salju pula terus patuh
Bukan pada penantian sang puteri
Bukan pada harapan sang hamba
Tapi keizinan dari Dia..

Diri Sendiri

Perasaan yang pelik ini
Selalu menjengah
Bersama degupan jantung
Kencang mendebarkan
Diri pasti
Kalau ada yang melihat
Perubahan di wajah pasti dikesan
Tapi di sini
Hanya ada diri dan Tuhan
Diri benar-benar merasakan
Beban berperasaan
Namun Tuhan jauh lebih tahu
Apa yang diri rasakan
Diri percaya
Seseorang pasti akan dapat rasa
Rasa yang sama
Jika Tuhan mengizinkan
Walau tiada bicara antara kita
Walau tiada kisah dikongsi bersama
Rasa ini
Biarlah hanya Tuhan yang tahu
Siapa pemiliknya


Pity me

can be a bliss
avoid you from real world
keep your heart safe
give you space to think

For me
I always ignore myself
I haven't got my dinner yet
Ignore the feeling
I haven't study that much yet
Ignore the lecture notes
I haven't sleep yet
Ignore the tiredness of the body
I haven't do my best yet
I give up easily

For friends
They escape class
I feel bad
They hang out until late at night
I'm not a good friend
They start to smoke
I feel sad
They give up on their life
I feel down and try to find reasons
why they should keep moving 
They break up
I told them to fight

The unfair
The mean
The ignorance
The bad friend to myself
Pity me
To have me
As me..


We Never Know

Aku tak bisa
Menidakkan rasa cinta 
Meski ku tak bisa 
Melupakan salahmu 
Resah hatiku..

Maafkan diriku..
Melukakan mu..

Cinta jangan engkau pergi,
Jauh dari diriku lagi..
Sesungguhnya cinta kita 
Setia ke hujung nyawa..

We never know, for now, whether what we are wishing for is the best for us and others. For now, I just wish, no matter what happen, the feeling remain. No give up, and keep trying. Although deep inside the heart, the bleeding is non-stop. I believe in myself, the best explanation is there at one point of life. I have to keep searching, and try any path given. Hey heart, stay strong and have faith. No matter what, each thing that happened got its own reason. Yes,have reasons. Not to torture, but to teach you a lesson.


Love Stories

The best love story
Is the story written by Him
Not me,not you,not even us
The best love story
Start from the best love story
of our parent
of our grandparent
and great, great grandparent
And above all
By the greatest love
Given by Him
The best love story
Continue with the cry,patience and love
When we are still baby
Don't have feeling
But magically
We'll feel safe
when we are with our parent
The best love story
Continue with the fights with siblings
Yelling at each other
But at the end
We'll still love them much
The best love story
Continue with friends
Sharing hopes and dreams
Talking about something beyond the future
Talking about something that might happen
Or hope to happen
The best love story
Continue with successes
Although we always blaming
Ourselves and others for the path taken
But at last
We really glad with what we've been through
The best love story
Continue with you
Which for now
I don't even know
But I believe
The best love story
Is meant to be continued
To be a best love story 
That ever exist
For each one of us


Exammmmss Fever

Ujian itu datang dan pergi
Ujian dunia datang saat diri 
sepatutnya bersedia
dengan nota dan peta minda
Ujian hidup pula
Datang saat diri
tidak bersedia dengan apa-apa
Tidak pernah disangka
Tidak dapat diagak
Ujian datang dan mengambil sesuatu pergi
Baik daripada aku, dia atau mereka..
Bila ujian dunia dan ujian hidup
berlaku dalam masa yang sama,
Diri ibarat daun kering
yang melayang jatuh ke tanah menanti reput
Hilang segala harapan..
Tanpa sedar bahawa
setiap yang terjadi sudah sedia diatur..
pertanyaan diutarakan sekali lagi
kepada diri ini
Apakah putus asa saja pilihan yang ada???


Pudarnya Satu Nama

Tiada bicara
Tiada kata-kata
Terurai sudah materi janji terbina
Manis madah senyum tawa pesona
Terpadam satu dunia dari lubuk jiwa
Manakah bisa
Mana lautan bara
Kecuncang jua satria panglipurlara
Hanya mimpi mungkin kan tinggal mimpi
Yang pasti aku sendiri
Tetap begini
Rasa cinta ku padamu
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu
Yang ku rindu  hanya satu
Hangat sentuhanmu
Makin kenang detik dulu
Makin membuka ruang-ruang lukaku
Mana janji mana rindu
Tinggal aku
Pudar segala
Pudarnya satu nama
Aku berpaling moga kan berbahagia
Moga Tuhan merestui segala
takkan ku sesal
takkan ku sesal
takkan ku sesal

Rumeli Hisari-Usaha Menakluk Istanbul

Sekuat semangat Al-Fateh
Begitu yakin dengan janji
Begitu yakin dengan diri
Begitu berusaha
Menjadi yang terbaik
Untuk agama
Adanya Sheikh Shamsuddin di sisi
Mengingatkan tentang yang Maha Kuasa
Bukan tidak pernah rasa mengalah
Bukan tidak pernah rasa lelah
Namun langkah kembali gagah
Bila hati berjuang kerana Allah..


My way to Venice

The train move fast
leaving one station to another
Moving through darkness
With little light
Shining by the road
The people around me
Busying themselves
With phone, or sleep soundly
I try to see through
the window
With pen and notebook
No single light seen
Darker route in the canal
With music in the ears
I'm thinking about you
You left me
But I hardly realized
I keep sitting in my own world
Until that one day
I'm awake
Realizing that you are away from me
I try to go after you
But i just like the station
Where you just pass by without looking
I hope I can stop you
I'm calling for you
But no reply
I try to chase you but felt down
I try to stand up
But I've lost the energy
I lost the spirit
I lost the smile
I lost you
The one that i should
Appreciate the most
I'll never get you back
I just can be a better me
So that i can defend myself
Why I let you go away like that
Ohh TIME..
Please, do forgive me.. 

27/12/12 8.55pm


2012 Review (ii)

 Asian Cup 2012

 My 22nd Bufday!

Project 8

 Turki Aku datang!

All England....

 Chong Wei tarik diri..

Statue in Birmingham

 Smile with Dr. Asri in da house!

 Again with Kembara Sufi

 Care4u with TYT Dato' Zakaria Sulong & Wife

Welcome to the world Nuh Haider!

 Enjoying the sun


 With Wardina Safiyyah..

 BUZZ - Talking about politics..


 Back to Leeds..

 Welcome n Welcomeback people!

 Selamat hari Raya!

 Introduction of DG..

 Kad raya from LUMSOC

 Jual kuih raye..

 Lake District..


 Release tension day..

 Sharing is Caring

  Lets having some physical activities..


Finishing 2012 with smile
There were too many things that make me cry
There were too many things that make me happy
Nikmat Tuhan yang mana lagi kita nak pertikaikan???

Selamat tinggal 2012 & kenangan
Selamat datang 2013 & sejarah baru

2012 Review

Azam tahun lepas adalah
- lupakan, abaikan, stop stalk apa2 pasal dia
- tak nak rapat dengan Bf orang walaupun as kawan
- puasa sunat isnin + khamis + baca buku agama + Al-Quran
- Study at least sejam setiap hari & markah 60++
-Menabung Road to London

4th Jan 2012
The date which I officially declare 
to ignore and should be no more feeling..
January continue with 
each day thinking about that decision..

Officially 22..
still hoping that 
everything remain as history..
Trying harder each day to move on..
Cannot accept that 
everything so easy for 'dia' 
but so hard for me..

Project 8
After all the struggle 
and dealing with people..
Without patience, 
you cannot work an art
 Too many poems in this February
really showed what I felt..

18th March
Harapan itu,
Umpama kertas surih,
Makin lembut dek air mata yang menitis, 
Makin lama,
Semakin pasti,
Kertas itu rosak,
Kerana tiada usaha,
memperbetul yang sepatutnya,
Daripada mereka,
Yang mampu menjadikannya,
Sesuatu yang seharusnya..
Atau mungkin harapan itu,
Tidak pernah dirasai bersama?

Although I think that I'm strong enough,
There come the tears and memories,
And the hurt from those that I love..
I made promise to myself 
not telling anyone about my summer

Started to broken the 'azam'
because I aware that I'm not that tough
I always being hurt by someone I love the most,
In order not to loss,
I have to pretend and look OK..

12th May
I miss you,
If only I can say these words to you
I'm sorry cause I love you
You are doing very fine without me
Even better when I'm not there
I don't want to ruin your life
Be happy but remember
I always am your friend
Because you are still by my side yesterday..

June - July - August
I didn't write anything
I'm not ready and not in a mood
to meet anyone including 'dia'
Need to back to real life
Everything move on,
Me, myself move on,

Crying again because of a tweet..

Nothing written..
Whether I gave up 
or I'm too tired of 
crying and hoping
But what I knew
I do stalk every single day
And the result is

Seriously said,
When I told that I wanna call,
I try to avoid..
I don't feel like talking,
But I did call..
That night..
The hope shine again,
You make me smile, again..
My heart feel glad,
But nothing change..
We are still like that..

Ever heard
 'curiosity killed a cat'?
dengar lagu 
Dejavu by Shahanshah..
After long time,
After all the struggle,
I now got a reason
 to care more
And even 
trying to win back
In order to help
Make things better
But somehow I feel like
I'm not the right person
To be there and advice you
Because you keep
Hurting me..

It's New Year!
The new number,
The new age,
The new me,
The new hope,
The new mission..

Leeds-Manchester-Rome-Pisa-Florence-Venice-East Midlands-Leeds

From Leeds,
Carrying the bag for about 15 minutes to train station
2.35pm - 2.50pm
Train tickets at 3.40pm..
still thinking about
How, why and what
With heavy heart

Arrived in Manchester
People know Manchester more than Leeds
Just because of football

Flight at 7.10 pm
Leaving all the studies
Leaving all the people
who don't care about me

Reached Rome at 11.00 pm
Taking shuttle straight to the city and hotel
We need to hunt for food
We need energy to discover Rome


From Rome,
we took a train to Florence
But the first destination is

After Pisa,
We travel around Florence
The city of art and shopping

Then again,
we took train to Venice
The place where I fall in love
The feeling
The scenery

But we need to move on
I need to left Venice behind
I'll come again next time
With someone
Who have the same feeling
Like what Venice gave me

Adios Italy!
Till we meet again!

A call from Italy

Moving from a comfort zone
Always give a weird feeling
Wanna cry
Wanna hide
If possible
Don't wanna go away from here
A call
Yes, by a call
can give a
comfort feeling
The feeling that
No matter where I go
There is someone
Who able to comfort me
Because that someone
Stay comfortably
Inside this heart
No matter where I go
A call
From that someone
Settle all
Hey you,
Do you want a call
Yes, a call from Italy?


Happy new Year Malaysia!

It's quite late here
Compare to Malaysia
I'm still in 2012
While they already welcoming 2013
No, I'm not sad
No, I'm not down
I just thinking about
The new year
The new hope
The new wishlist
What about last years' wishlist?
Is everything done?
Am I happy with what I wish for?
We can't never predict the future
Sometimes, what we want
We didn't get
What we want to avoid
There it is in front of you
So,do we really need wishlist?
Lets think.............
Maybe I should call them
A hope list
Hope that will never die
Even times fly, even heart numb